How to display File Properties in VB script?
Using the File System Object method CreateFile we create a File and Using the GetFile Method we get the newly created File. Then we use the name, size etc methods to get the properties of the file.
'Create a Folder using FSO or FileSystemObject
'Script to print the different properties of a Text File
'Step 1: Create an object variable that interacts with the File System Object Library
Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Step 2: use the CreateTextFile to Create a Text File
'Step 3: Use the GetFile Method to get the information of the file and set it to a Object Variable
Set F=Fso.GetFile("F:\Text.txt")
'Step 4: Print the Properties of the File using various
MsgBox "The File name is: "&"" &vbnewline& "The File Size is: "&f.size&""&vbnewline& "The File Creation Date is: "&f.DateCreated&""&vbnewline& "The File Last Modified on: "&f.DateLastModified
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