Friday, April 9, 2010

VB Scripting - Important Terminology


Before actually looking into VB scripting it is good to understand some terminology and also what they mean. We should know some thing about programming, scripting, compiler, scripting to have a better understanding.

Let’s look at what Programming and Scripting means

Programming: Programming is used for application development and involves writing of code and should have in depth knowledge of a programming language.

Scripting: Scripting on the other hand does not involve in writing the entire code for the application but involves in writing some lines of code or instructions so as to validate the application developed. To put in simple language Scripting is used for validation.

What is Compiler and Interpreter

Compiler: Programming uses compiler to compiles the entire code in one go and creates an executable file. This executable file will be used for execution. The advantage of compiler is that it has a faster execution rate compared to the interpreter. The big disadvantage of compiler is that there is no way you can change your code in the executable file and you have to go back to the code and make changes and again create an executable file.

Interpreter: Scripting uses Interpreter to read the code one line at a time and executes one line at a time. The advantage is that if the interpreter encounters an error it stops executing the remaining lines and you have the chance to correct it and re run it. At any point of time you can interrupt wile running and change the code and continue running it. The biggest disadvantage is that each time the code is executed it has to read each line and is time consuming and is also slow.


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